Sunday, March 21, 2010

Punk Rawk Labs: Make Your Own Raw Truffles!

(Alissa's truffles)

If you've ever had raw truffles, you know they are amazing. My favourite raw truffles and those I make are inspired by Choc Alive Truffles, which everyone is trying to copy because they are the best truffles out there!

(If you buy truffles, these are the best!)

I think it's fantastic that Alissa, of Punk Rawk Labs just launched her raw vegan un-cooking show (which got picked up on itunes) and her first episode shows you how to make your own raw truffles. Yahhh!

Truffles are super easy breezy to make and soooo not expensive. The super cute video can be viewed HERE. Recipe Below.

(Alissa Gardening!)

After a toxic exposure caused a number of medical issues, Alissa discovered and is using raw food to find her way back to health. And you know her truffles will be amazing as she will be graduating with the first class of professional chefs from 105 Degrees Academy next week. Congrats Alissa! Thanks for sharing!

Alissa's Recipe for Raw Truffles
- 1 Cup Cacao Powder
- 1/2 Cup of Cacao Nibs (Optional. Nibs are a bit bitter.)
>Blend together so it's is more fine (if you use nibs)
- 1 Cup Maple Syrup (Makes it taste more like dark chocolate)
- 1/2 Cup Agave (Gives a lighter flavor)
- 3 Cups Cashews (Soaked and drained... cashews contain raw enzyme enhibitors difficult to digest by some. Soaking them gets rid of these enzymes.)
- Seeds from one Vanilla Bean
- 1 Teaspoon Sea Salt
- 1.5 cups Cacao Butter- melted.
> Mix all together in your Vitamix or Cuisinart. It will almost be a liquid consistency. Put "liquid" in a bowl and put in the fridge while you get your garnishes ready.

Garnishes: Alissa used Goji Berries, Pistachios, Almonds +Mesquite Powder.
I've also used shredded coconuts + peanuts. Be creative. So many options out there.

> Chop up with a knife or in a coffee grinder.
> Get mix out of the fridge. Roll into small balls. Roll into the garnishes.


* Please note: this is a big batch as Alissa was making for holiday gifts. You can adjust the recipe as necessary.

* Other options: Substitute real butter for cacao butter (vegetarian vs vegan). Cut out the agave all together and use maple syrup. I know it might not be "raw", but of the two- maple syrup gets my vote. Substitute some Coconut Oil for Cacao Butter.

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