Some people think money is evil... and it's not. It is simply a means of exchange. It may be used for "bad" things, but when it is- isn't that caused by a person's ego??? In the same vein we can also say that money is used for very good things, right? Blaming money for the ills of the world is too simple and misdirected I'm afraid.
“We’re moving from a conspicuous consumption — which is ‘buy without regard’ — to a calculated consumption,” says Marshal Cohen, an analyst at the NPD Group, the retailing research and consulting firm.
There is a fantastic article in the New York Times, "But Will It Make You Happy?" by Stephanie Rosenbloom, which brings up some very good points we should all think about (I hightly recommend you read it- I know you will enjoy.) Being in the realm of an eco-conscious consumer and balancing that with my creative/artistic side- I find that sometimes I am left feeling guilty about my "wants".
The message on one hand seem to be that "consumerism" is bad and ruining the world. And on the other hand the message is, "we all are creative beings and we are here to create". In the same vein, I don't think money is "bad"- I don't think "consumerism" is to blame for all the ills of the world either. I do think it's good to be aware, make adjustments, and do what you can, but being a "consumer" or wanting things is not necessarily a bad thing. It's part of life. It keep us going... keeps those ideas flowing, keeps advancements coming- we continue to learn, grow and change.
Double check those wants, check responsibilities and balance sheets, build your assets, limit your liabilities and get out of debt. No one's perfect, but I don't know anyone who doesn't crave financial freedom. Just point yourself towards the direction you want to go towards and start taking the steps to get there. We do learn by making mistakes and it's great that we are all different. I find the differences among us allow a nice contrast so we know what we do and do not want. This ensures continued growth. Let's keep growing, learning, and be "smart" about our spending choices. We will all benefit.
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