Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Eat More Broccoli

I have been trying to eat more broccoli... not only is it good for us, but it is or it was in season (November).

Like other cruciferous vegetables, broccoli contains the phytonutrients sulforaphane and the indoles, which have significant anti-cancer effects. Research on indole-3-carbinol shows this compound helps deactivate a potent estrogen metabolite (4-hydroxyestrone) that promotes tumor growth, especially in estrogen-sensitive breast cells, while at the same time increasing the level of 2-hydroxyestrone, a form of estrogen that can be cancer-protective.

Broccoli is a key ingredient in DIM, a supplement which helps regulate and promote efficient metabolism of estrogen.

From Allergy Research Group... DIM® Enhanced Delivery System contains BioResponse DIM™, a unique formulation containing pure diindolylmethane, an indole. Indoles are plant compounds with health promoting properties, found in cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower and Brussels sprouts. Diindolylmethane, or DIM®, has been shown to help regulate and promote a more efficient metabolism of estrogen, by supporting the body in metabolizing estrogen into more of the protective 2-hydroxyestrone rather than the proliferative 16-hydroxyestrone.* BioResponse DIM™ is a stable bioavailable form of DIM®, made possible through a proprietary delivery system. The formula is co-solubilized with phosphatidylcholine, and microencapsulated in starch particles.

Patented BioResponse DIM™ is ten times more potent than indole-3-carbinole (I3C).* I3C is highly unstable and has no biologic activity until it is converted to DIM®. Conversion of I3C takes place in the stomach and requires an appropriately acidic environment. In contrast to I3C, DIM® is highly stable, requires no conversion in the stomach, and is the most active cruciferous phytonutrient in promoting beneficial estrogen metabolism.* DIM® is often preferred by clinicians over I3C.

Remember to at least lightly steam your broccoli, as it is from the cruciferous family and eaten raw it is goitrogenic. More on broccoli and it's benefits HERE.

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